Cocktail Bar with Entertainment
and Light Snacks For Sale
Cocktail Bar with Entertainment
and Light Snacks For Sale
The business was re-established in June 2020.
It has traded successfully ever since, despite the Government imposed 50% restriction and lockdowns.
Sales are now averaging $8,000 to $9,000 for a 4 day part time week.
Business trades evenings and nights Thursday to Sunday.
Managed by owners, and the staff look after the loyal customers.
For sale because of an unforeseen health issue.
No doubt the best value for money bar operation in the Greater Brisbane Region
If you would like more information, click on the link below, leave your details below and the Business Broker representing the owners, Negotia Group, will get in touch to discuss it further with you.
Confidentiality applies.
Negotia Group
M: 1300 551 757
E: Click here to contact Negotia Group
Mail: PO Box 100 Beachmere Q 4510