Pie Manufacturer, Wholesaler, & Retailer
Regional Queensland
Sales over $2,000,000
Price $950,000
It is a leasehold food manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing enterprise specialising in pies.
It is largely an autonomous operation with minimal involvement of the Proprietors in the day-to-day operations.
There are two locations, one manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing that can be found in a direct street frontage to major traffic corridors with ‘drive-thru’ outlets giving customers the convenience of quick access to its products and a 2nd successful retail outlet purposely developed to test and trial the basis for expansion.
It has a long trading history of over 50 years and is an iconic brand in the Region.
Financial Performance Summary & Key Details
Income: 2022 – $2,000,000
Rent: $230,000
EBITDA Profit: Over $350,000
Trading Hours: Trades seven (7) days
Employees: It employs about 18 to 20 people and is essentially managed by staff with only a minimal supervising role for the Proprietor
Skills: Business Management skills
Lease: Leases in place until 2028. Options to 2038.
Potential: The Business has developed systems and procedures over time and established a 2nd retail outlet to prove the system for duplicating retail outlets. It is ready for further expansion.
About the Business: It has a very long trading history going back over 50 years. It runs largely without the involvement of the Proprietors. It has a well-established brand in the region. It has invested time and funds over time to prove systems and procedures and trail and test the 2nd outlet adding substantially to income prospects. The base for expansion has been done. The next stage is for an interested party to maximise the opportunity.
Price: $950,000
Confidentiality Applies.
On the Pie Manufacturer, Wholesaler, & Retailer for Sale
Graham Long
30 years Experience in Business & Property Sales
M: 0428 649 791
E: Click here to contact Graham Long
Director – Negotia Group.
Licensed Real Estate Agent.
Member & Registered Business Valuer
Australian Institute of Business Brokers