Gluten Free Bakery Products Business for Sale – Freehold
Probably Makes the Largest Range of Gluten Free Items in Australia.
wholesale throughout australia and retails online
The Enterprise has created, since it was established in about 1997, possible the largest menu of gluten free bakery products in Australia. It operates from a gluten free premises, critical to producing gluten free products.
It is a Proprietor operated Enterprise ready for expansion to meet the surge in demand for Gluten Free products.
Location: Trades mainly on the Australian East Coast but has customers, including corporate customers, Australia wide.
Premises: An industrial premises with two floors, each with its own specialist bakery.
Plant & Equipment: Two full kitchens and extensive cool rooms.
The Enterprise makes gluten-free past these pies and sweets. leap include cakes, danish, bread, eclairs, muffins, pastry, pies, roles, sausage rolls, slices and tarts. The items are wholesale mainly on the east coast and retail from it shop at its premises and from its online store.
The premises are gluten free. There are two separate kitchens dedicated to manufacturing specific ranges in the premises.
Price: $900,000 +Sav (Includes the Freehold)
Financial Performance Summary
Income: $1,400,000 in 2022
EBITDA: $175,0000
Key Details
Trading Hours: 5 days – Monday to Friday.
Employees: About 15 Employees including the Proprietors.
Skills: Small business management skills
Potential: Extensive range of the gluten-free items that are made by this business offers it a global opportunity
Reason for Sale: Owners intend to retire once the business is sold
On the Gluten Free Bakery Products Business for Sale
Graham Long
30 years Experience in Business & Property Sales
M: 0428 649 791
E: Click here to contact Graham Long
Director – Negotia Group.
Licensed Real Estate Agent.
Member & Registered Business Valuer
Australian Institute of Business Brokers