Trading Hours Can Threaten Profit
Trading Hours Can Threaten Profit
The minimum level of wages are set by Governments and their Regulators.
Tenant business owners must comply. Elise is mandating a minimum trading hours mean that these owners are exposed directly to changes to, and increases in minimum wage levels. It can lead to the tenant business being unable to afford wages costs imposed on them. The result is that the tenant business owners themselves have to work longer hours in their businesses, or except profit reduction. Business value and salability are adversely affected as a result.
Business owners of leasehold business would be well advised to consider the outcomes of increases in the costs of wages on their business before entering into leases with trading hours provisions in them.
Need more information, talk to me.
Graham Long
Kevin Lovewell
M: 0401 308 385
E: Click here to contact Kevin Lovewell
Member & Registered Business Valuer
Australian Institute of Business Brokers
Graham Long
M: 0428 649 791
E: Click here to contact Graham Long
Member & Registered Business Valuer
Australian Institute of Business Brokers